Our Strategy

The golden thread of the strategy is the need to reshape legal services to better meet society’s needs. We identified a series of key challenges that need to be overcome to do this, and we have grouped these challenges under three themes: fairer outcomes, stronger confidence, and better services.

To track the sector’s progress in addressing the challenges set out in the strategy, we have launched a microsite. The site – www.reshapinglegalservices.org.uk – will be developed to share projects and ideas from the sector and help identify positive practices and areas that need more attention. 

The challenges facing the legal services sector are deep-rooted and can only be addressed in the long-term. To do this, the strategy sets out a ten-year strategic direction (2021-31) and has a particular focus on the role of regulation in reaching this destination. The strategy also identifies priority areas of focus for the next three years (2021-24) and how the LSB will contribute to these priorities.

Reshaping legal services to better meet society’s needs relies on everyone playing their part. Cross-sector collaboration will be essential to overcoming the challenges in the sector, and we look forward to working with interested parties wherever possible.